Senior Cap & Gown Sessions
$200.00 Senior Cap & Gown Session - $100 deposit $100 balance due at time of session. If you are adding this onto your full senior session the fee is only $100.
Sessions are scheduled for 20 minutes consecutively. Please be sure to be on time for your session. Please bring you Senior's cap, gown, tassel, and college swag (shirt, hat, flag, etc). These session will be shot at our local park. We offer a lot of Senior products you can make with your images such as invitations, announcements, canvas, collages, Professional Photo Book and much more. If you do not see a date or time you would like to book please email for other options.
What it includes:
20 minutes of coverage
3 Digital images of your choice
Images added to an online gallery to share with friends and family
Cards and prints ordered from Angela Aman Photography take 3-4 days to arrive and free shipping to the studio